Does your company regularly use company cars? Take advantage of it! Your vehicle is an excellent communication medium. Increase your visibility by integrating your logo, a slogan, your contact information etc. Trust Gravotec for the realization of adhesive advertising for your vehicle. Ask for your free quote online.
Why make an adhesive advertisement for your vehicle?

We know that it can be difficult to make your brand visible. For this reason, we offer an adhesive advertising service to be stuck on your vehicle. Potential customers are present in each of your trips so don’t miss the opportunity to communicate your company’s details to them!

Why call on us?
At Gravotec, we’ve been making exterior and interior signage elements for over 60 years for companies and organizations with a variety of missions. Our experience provides us with an edge when it comes to our techniques and strategies for implementing your signage. We assure you a unique know-how for more personalized services.
Moreover, we make it a point of honor to respect all the standards in force. We guarantee you an effective and durable car covering, while allowing the diffusion of your message. We will be able to offer you a complete covering according to your visual identity or a partial covering according to your needs.
Ask for your quote online
You have a question? We have the answer! For any information request, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you have a signage project to submit to us, get your free online quote directly. We pay the greatest attention to your request and will try to answer it as soon as possible and with the greatest precision.